Category Destinations

Exploring Cambodia’s Wild Destinations

Angkor Wat Cambodia.Feature

Thousands of visitors pour into Cambodia each year, mainly to see the astonishing ruins of Angkor Wat. Most don’t realize that Cambodia has other treasures, wild treasures, which can be discovered by venturing into the back country. Now birders are…

Air China: Flight Review

Air China Feature

When I decided to go to Australia, I looked into a few airlines and decided to fly Air China. It was about $600 cheaper than Emirates and Singapore Airlines. Also, it was with the Star Alliance group and, being a member,…

Things to do In and Around Oxford, England

Oxford Feature

Not only is Oxford home to the renowned university, it has been the home of well-known authors such as JR Tolkein, C.S. Lewis and Lewis Caroll. And while walking amongst the beautiful buildings and gardens that make up central Oxford, it’s…