Amy Piper

Amy Piper

Amy Piper is a freelance travel writer, photographer, and blogger. She is a native Michigander who has traveled to 39 countries and 40 states, most recently adding Louisiana to the list. Her aspiration is to travel to Antarctica and finally visit all seven continents. She specializes in multi-generational and food travel. She travels frequently with her husband, daughter, and granddaughter. She has had six-month long expat assignments in South Korea and Argentina. She has been chased by bomb sniffing dogs in the middle of the night in Bogotá (working late), refused boarding on a plane from Buenos Aires to Paraguay (wrong visa), and Federal Marshalls announced her seat number on a plane looking for a murder suspect. She had traded seats. It is always an adventure! Amy has written for Go Nomad. She is a member of the International Travel Writers and Photographers Alliance (ITWPA). She blogs about her adventures at